@echo off echo. echo 1. Enable echo 2. Disable echo 3. Exit echo. set /p twk=Choose an option : if "%twk%"=="1" goto d if "%twk%"=="2" goto d exit :d set /p usbdr=Now Choose the Drive (eg. E) : if not exist %usbdr%:\nul echo Invalid Drive %usbdr%:\ if not exist %usbdr%:\nul goto d if "%twk%"=="1" goto m if "%twk%"=="2" goto r exit :m if exist %usbdr%:\Recycler\nul rmdir /s /q \\.\\%usbdr%:\Recycler if exist %usbdr%:\Recycler del /f /q /a %usbdr%:\Recycler echo C.S.C CORP> %usbdr%:\Recycler attrib %usbdr%:\Recycler +r +s +h if exist %usbdr%:\$Recycle.Bin\nul rmdir /s /q \\.\\%usbdr%:\$Recycle.Bin if exist %usbdr%:\$Recycle.Bin del /f /q /a %usbdr%:\$Recycle.Bin echo C.S.C CORP> %usbdr%:\$Recycle.Bin attrib %usbdr%:\$Recycle.Bin +r +s +h if exist %usbdr%:\Recycled\nul rmdir /s /q \\.\\%usbdr%:\Recycled if exist %usbdr%:\Recycled del /f /q /a %usbdr%:\Recycled echo C.S.C CORP> %usbdr%:\Recycled attrib %usbdr%:\Recycled +r +s +h if exist %usbdr%:\Autorun.inf del /f /q /a %usbdr%:\Autorun.inf mkdir \\.\\%usbdr%:\Autorun.inf\nul.C.S.C attrib %usbdr%:\Autorun.inf +s +h echo Folder %usbdr%:\AUTORUN.INF and File RECYCLER created goto x :r rmdir /s /q \\.\\%usbdr%:\Autorun.inf del /f /q /a %usbdr%:\Recycled del /f /q /a %usbdr%:\Recycler del /f /q /a %usbdr%:\$Recycle.Bin echo Folder %usbdr%:\AUTORUN.INF and RECYCLER Files removed :x pause cls @echo off echo. echo 1. Enable echo 2. Disable echo 3. Exit echo. set /p twk=Choose an option : if "%twk%"=="1" goto d if "%twk%"=="2" goto d exit